Why Black Peel Is The Ideal Treatment For Your Acne

Caused due to blockage of skin pores by oil and dead cells, acne is the most common skin problem faced by people with oily skin. Learn more about how black peel treatment can help you get rid of painful pimples.


Though acne, usually found among teens, is caused due to hormonal changes during puberty, it is also commonly observed among adult men and women. Women may experience a sudden outburst of red spots or zits before and after their menstrual cycle. Additionally, using oil-based skin products and cosmetics may block your pores and further exacerbate the condition. Acne can also be caused due to stress. You can also inherit this skin problem.

Washing your skin once or twice a day with a gentle soap may prevent oil deposition on pores. Always avoid picking your pimples as that can cause permanent skin scars. But if the infection and inflammation are severe, opting for a black peel treatment will soothe and relieve your skin.

What Is Black Peel Treatment?

Designed to prevent pimples and ensure that you enjoy a smooth complexion, black peel treatment comprises of the application of masterfully-prepared chemical paste all over the face and back. The ingredients used in the paste help in clearing clogged pores and renewing damaged skin.

The active element used in the peel is Salicylic Gel, which helps dissolve the oil deposited on the skin. The use of various disinfectants in the black peel prevents the aggravation of your acne. Finally, the treatment concludes with the application of a peel neutralizer and sunscreen lotion for the complete protection of your skin.

How Is It More Beneficial Than Other Acne Treatments?

The peel contains huge amounts organic material that are rich in amino acids. These organic minerals stir up the epidermis of the skin that ensure that the outer layers are exfoliated. This exfoliation process facilitates improved and healthy skin-cell growth. Black peel effectively acts upon and removes all the acne-related problems like blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, cysts, pustules, brown spots, and scars. You will notice considerable improvement in skin texture with reduced oiliness from the first day of your treatment. Use of skin disinfectants in the peel is an added advantage as it prevents the formation of acne in future.

Black Peel Treatment has no known major side effects. Usually, if you have no allergies to aspirin, then you can safely undergo the treatment. Trusted dermatology clinics like Kaya Skin Clinic ensure your safety by a performing peel sensitivity test prior to your final treatment. All you need to do is apply sunscreen over the treated areas and restrict sun exposure following the service.

To read customer experiences regarding Kaya’s wide range of skincare and haircare products and services, visit Kaya Skin Clinic Reviews.

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