Hair Transplantation to Counter Hair Loss

Hair loss is a common occurrence and affects everyone from time to time. Usually, you can get good treatments that can restore hair growth. However, there are causes like Androgenic Alopecia where hair doesn’t grow back naturally. This is where hair transplants can help.Kaya Clinic - Hair Transplant Solution Review

Hair Loss

There are numerous reasons for hair loss. Many factors like heredity, pollution, unhealthy dietary habits, heat etc. can trigger hair loss. While some hair loss conditions can be treated with topical applications and nutritional supplements, some require more intensive care and solutions.

Androgenic Alopecia

Also called Male Pattern Baldness, this can also affect certain women if a hormonal imbalance causes a spike in androgenic hormones in them. However, it is a condition that typically affects men. It is hereditary and men who are susceptible begin to experience hair loss beginning at the sides of the head, above their temples.

The bald patch slowly progresses in an M-pattern and then becomes a U-shaped area. Mostly, hair at the lower sides and the back are not affected. This is typical of DHT, the hormone that causes Androgenic Alopecia.

Dihydrotestosterone or DHT is a byproduct of the male hormone testosterone. In men who are hereditarily prone to develop this form of baldness, the DHT binds to hair follicles in the top of their heads. The affected hair follicles shrink and wither away.

Kaya Treatment

At Kaya, when you visit the clinic for a consultation, your problem will be considered and the root cause will be determined. Based on this, a treatment will be recommended. After the treatment, your progress will be monitored and you may be prescribed special products and nutrient supplements to aid the recovery and regrowth process.

For Male Pattern Baldness, a hair transplant solution called Kaya Hair Restore Expert Transplant Solution is usually recommended. You can read Kaya hair transplant reviews to find out what it involves and how well it has worked for others.

Kaya Hair Restore Expert Transplant Solutions

Androgenic Alopecia is caused by a male hormone called DHT. While the top area of the head is affected by it, the hair follicles in the back of your head is resistant to DHT. So, most men usually still have a lot of hair at the back and also in the lower side portions of their head.

 Follicular Unit Extraction for Hair Transplant

Kaya uses an advanced hair transplant method called Follicular Unit Extraction. In this Follicular Unit Extraction for Hair Transplant, single units of hair follicles are taken from a donor area which has healthy hair, and the follicles are then transplanted to regions where there is no hair.

The donor area in your head is usually at the back. Hair in this region are not affected by DHT. Even if you transplant the follicles elsewhere, they still retain their resistance to Dihydro testosterone. So, they will continue to grow even at the top of your head. The recipient area is the region of baldness that is targeted in that session.

This minimally invasive procedure, lasting 6 to 8 hours, is performed after administering local anesthesia to the patient. It might take more than one session to complete this procedure. The patient may experience some slight numbness or soreness in the region after the treatment, but it usually goes away after some time.

Post Hair Transplant Treatment

The Kaya Hair Restore Expert Transplant Solution does not end with the hair transplant. You have to visit the clinic several times so that the doctor can monitor your recovery and assess how well the hair follicles are taking root and growing in the new region. Usually, it takes round 5 months for the follicles to start growing again. You will see full results after around 8 to 10 months, your new hair growth will be healthy and shining.

The transplant procedure is followed up with hair strengthening treatments that include:

  • Natural Hair Rejuvenation with PRP
  • Hair Root Activation Laser Therapy
  • Hair Nutri-Infusion Therapy

Kaya uses safe and US FDA approved special treatments and procedures. They are performed or administered by qualified doctors and technicians, in a safe environment with up-to date equipment and infrastructure.

You can find Kaya clinics offering hair transplant in Bangalore, Delhi, Chennai, Mumbai and other cities across India and even abroad. If you are worried about the expense, Kaya allows you to pay by session. Kaya also offers a financing plan to allow you to pay in EMI for the Kaya hair transplant cost. For extensive hair loss and baldness, hair regrowth by hair transplant may be the ideal solution.

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